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Newsletter: May 11 (Resend to unopened)

[Don't miss it] 👀Make your CV stand out in 7 seconds!

TECLA connects the best tech talent in Latin America with the best remote-ok technology companies in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. If you want to upgrade your career, keep reading!

Happy Thursday! 

Your CV needs to stand out in 7 seconds. Here is how.

The recruiter should be able to see if you are a potential fit for the role with a quick skim. This means:

  • Spellcheck every single paragraph. Ask a friend to proofread it.

  • Make it 2 pages long and list your experience in reverse chronological order.

  • Use active voice and simple grammar.

  • Use bullet points for concise actions and spacing to separate each previous experience.

  • Use bold text to highlight important information.

  • List the technologies relevant to the job description.

  • Make it easy to find your work: update every link to your projects.

Applying these tips can only lead to one conclusion:

Tech bites of the day:

Is your CV ready? Then start to share it! Apply to our Hot Jobs of the Week! Plus, read on for exclusive benefits you get by being a part of TECLA.

Always keep your GitHub updated, here is why (Spanish Content)