Team Newsletter #6

#Tecla-core 🚀 Happy Holidays!


It's the most wonderful time of the year! Whether it's summer or winter where you are living, we wish all our team a very happy Holiday season and a wonderful New Year.

What you'll find: Holiday special questionnaire, getting to know Vero, Carlos's top picks, upcoming birthdays, and more.

Tis' the season!

The Holiday Season is a great time to spend with family and take time away from work to recharge and reenergize for the coming year. We asked some team members their favorite movies to binge-watch during this season and how they like to spend it.

Personal Milestones

Meli traveled to Mexico and went to the International Balloon Festival in León Guanajuato. She also took a hot air balloon flight in Teotihuacán, near Ciudad de México.

Euge finished college and celebrated the traditional way!

Ems dusted off her tennis racket and is back on the courts! She even challenged us to get out our tennis shoes: "If anyone is down for a friendly match, hit me up!!".

Vero spent her first Thanksgiving surrounded by four family generations from Haití, Perú, and the U.S.! "We were 50 people at the dinner. It was a fun night, and I ate delicious food".

Majo had the opportunity to see Harry Styles' concert! Notice how they are almost matching?

Cami also went to Harry Styles


concert in Brazil!

INSPIRATION: I get inspired by books and music. In terms of literature, I like to read anything from Jules Verne. What I most like about it is that he makes fiction seem possible. On the other hand, musically, I turn to Rammstein, Iron Maiden, or AC/DC for inspiration.

 WATCH: If you're into crypto, I recommend The Modern Investor on Youtube. My other top pick would be Insider Business for random content of "how it's made" stuff.

 VISIT: The longest and craziest trip I have ever made was when I moved from Venezuela to Lima, Peru. It was whole five days of sitting on a bus. Personally, I do not recommend it! Here is a picture of the first time we visited Miraflores in 2017.

Social Winners


  • 1st Place: Ruth Perez - Wins: $70

  • 2nd Place: Lau Saavedra - Wins: $30

  • 3rd Place: Cami Karam - Wins: $25 + half day off

  • 4th Place: Meli Baena - Wins: $15 + Early Day 3h

  • 5th Place: Carlos CmgPick - Wins: $10 + Early Day 2h


Sourcers of the Month (November)

Congratulations! What an amazing work!

This month's SUPERSTAR

Getting to know more about Vero, Business Development Representative.

 What's the best place you've traveled to? And why?

Boston - Massachussetts. I feel there’s a special magic in this place; it’s gorgeous, full of history, and so calm.

If you could time travel, where is the first place you would go?

The moment when I have kids!

If you could spend one full day with someone famous (dead or alive), who would it be? (tell us why too!)

Obama! He’s just very smart and at the same time, he’s full of joy. I adore him

If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

Los Roques Island here in Venezuela.

 What song makes you happy?

Up all night by Mac Miller.


Traditional dishes are those that have been passed on through generations or, they can also be a typical plate that is consumed in the place where you live. But, let's be realistic, that doesn't mean that they are the best...That's why we created this space; to demystify what dishes are the tastiest in your country

Coming up

- December 15th to January 15th-Work anniversary  Veronica Mackenzie's: January 10thHoliday Break December 24th - January 2nd

Our Compass

Any suggestions? Want to share a milestone or fun picture?

Email us HERE